Cadet Program
The EPFD Cadet Program is designed to introduce interested young men and women in the community to the firefighting profession while providing a valuable service both to the community and the District. Cadets are trained to assist the District’s firefighters on the fire ground as well as with emergency medical and other services provided by the District. While not allowed to participate in the kinds of hazardous or dangerous activities associated with fire suppression, skills learned through training alongside the District’s paid and volunteer firefighters will help prepare these young men and women for a career in the fire service.

Cadet membership is open to any male or female between the ages of 15 and 18 years of age who resides within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Ebbetts Pass Fire District and are currently enrolled in a Calaveras County school. The two exceptions are as follows:
- Upon recommendation of the instructor, ant student enrolled in the fire science curriculum offered by Bret Harte Union High School who wishes to participate in the program may do so with permission of the Fire Chief.
- Membership may be extended to any person between 14 and 15 who is the son or daughter of a regular member of the volunteer or paid divisions of the District and is in his/her eighth grade of school. Must pass physical examination, after probation.
Acceptance Procedures
- Interested persons must attend four drills as an observer.
- After completion of his/her fourth drill, a formal application is filled out and signed by the applicant’s parents.
- The application is then reviewed by the Cadet Advisor and, if accepted, the applicant will then be placed on the insurance roster, issued safety equipment, and assigned to an engine.
- The applicant is given a set of Rules of Conduct which are reviewed by the applicant’s parent(s) and signed. (The Cadet Advisor or Cadet Captain shall also review the Rules of Conduct with each applicant.)
- The applicant is now in a “probationary” status. To become an active member of the Program, the applicant must also complete the 10 Basic Skills Tasks according to the standards outlined below. Being an active member allows the cadet to participate in fire ground and other emergency operations.
- 1. Pulling pre-connected hose lines
- 2. Removing and carrying extension and roof ladders
- 3. Familiarization with and location of equipment tools on assigned engine, E-435, and E-431
- 4. Changing and refilling SCBA cylinders from the cascade system
- 5. Proper use and care of protective clothing and equipment
- 6. “Making a hydrant”
- 7. Rebedding engine hose beds
- 8. Building hose packs (structural and wildland)
- 9. Memorize the Standard Fire Orders
- 10. Memorize the Wildland Fire Situations That Shout “Watch Out”
All District policies are set forth by the Fire Chief and approved by the Board of Directors. The Fire Chief may, in turn, appoint an adult Cadet Advisor, who shall be charged with the direct supervision of the Cadet Program.
The Cadet Advisor shall have the power to control, order and give direction to all members of the Cadet Program. The Cadet Advisor may reprimand or suspend from the Program, for cause, any member who might knowingly violate rules, regulations, or policies established for the Cadet Program.
The Cadet Advisor may appoint a “Cadet Captain” who must have been in the Program not less than one year. The Cadet Captain, under the supervision and authority of the Cadet Advisor, shall:
- Have the power to direct, manage, control, organize and assign cadets to various activities.
- Organize and direct the training evolution’s necessary to promote and maintain efficiency in any and all operations which may be assigned to cadets within the Program; and
- Report directly to the Cadet Advisor and member who, after sufficient time has passed for training and practice, by reason of lack of maturity, accident, lack of sufficient abilities and coordination, or other limitation, does not or cannot safely and promptly perform the skills required to continue as a contributing member of the Program.
The Cadet Captain may serve the program in this capacity until 18 years of age or until removed by the Fire Chief or Cadet Advisor or until he/she steps down.
First of all, there is always that requirement of paperwork. The Ebbetts Pass Fire District requires that all prospective cadets obtain and complete an application and informational/rules packet. The application and packet can be obtained from the District Secretary at Station # 1 in Arnold during regular weekday business hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.). The application can also be obtained from the link below, printed, and filled out for your convenience. The informational/rules packet contains additional forms that must be obtained from the District office.
If you would like to meet and see the Volunteer Companies first hand before you apply, you’re welcome to attend the Volunteer Training sessions. Ebbetts Pass Fire District volunteers conduct weekly training at Station # 1 at 7:30 p.m. Applications can also be obtained at the training sessions.
Click the Download link below to Download the Cadet Application